November 2024

Digital painting of some tall, voluminous clouds in a bright blue sky. The sunlight is coming from the right-hand side of the frame, creating high contrasts in the clouds.

November 2nd

We report about an event that has rarely been seen lately: a sunny morning. Over the past month, fog has been our most common guest at the breakfast table. However, the sky was clear when we woke up, and even now that the clouds are coming out, they do not seem to be taking over.

Digital painting of a sunrise above a field of brown grass. It is a gradient of a pale blue to a bright pink, fading back into blue above the horizon line.

November 1st

We report: half of the field has been flattened by the dew last night. There are memories of odd dreams haunting our mind as we watch Earth's shadow sink down behind the horizon. We try to get a hold of the last wisps of them, but they all end up fading away in the sunshine.

Digital painting of a pitch black night sky, covered in stars. There is a large cluster of them right in the centre of the frame. Most stars are white, but a few are red, orange, yellow, and blue.

November 4th

We report as we stare at the pit at the centre of the universe: we can feel ourselves drift this way, slowly and surely. It is north of the north, a spiral of a maelstrom, spinning counter-clockwise towards infinity. We regain our footing with a yawn (the night is young yet).

Digital painting of a grey, cloudy sky, with a band of clouds that are eerily shaped like waves.

November 3rd

We report: it was a drizzly day throughout, which is something we can respect. In the early afternoon, we caught sight of some good clouds, and in the distracting moment of euphoria that followed, we slipped on the wet pavement. Our profession is a dangerous one indeed.

Digital painting of a sunset sky, blue, covered with long, thin clouds of yellow and orange. There are a few small, dark grey clouds peppered through the sky.

November 5th

We report: there are ghosts on the horizon, strings of sunlight that are hanging on to the cooling dusk. They slowly pass on - they do, they always do, never have we seen them last the night through. We let our heaviest thoughts get taken by the transience of light.

Digital painting of  some voluminous clouds with fuzzy edges, agglomerated together. There is soft white light grazing the clouds, creating blue shadows in their crevices.

November 7th

We report: the morning light is attempting to gather itself in spite of various hurdles. That is how it goes. We are remembering the things that we like so much about autumn - the moodiness, the thrown expectations. The stubborn days when time collapses on itself.

Digital painting of a blue sky filled with wispy clouds, small, all of them followed by long, fibrous trails.

November 6th

We report: the longer we stare at clouds, the less we understand them. We never thought we would solve any mysteries by looking at them for the appropriate amount of time; but nowadays, the very existence of even the most ordinary cloud constitutes an enigma to us.

Digital painting of a light grey sky, half-covered with a murmuration that is shaped like a very geometrical wave.

November 11th

We report: the shape comes into view slowly, a mirage over the trees. From a distance, it is difficult to remember that each dot represents a single bird. Barely a wing out of formation, the single movement of a wave coming in and going out on the fields. It makes sense, somehow.

Digital painting of a dark dusk landscape in the countryside. The sky is a deep blue, with large, darker clouds creating wide brushstrokes. There is a field of grass with a lone tree standing, and woods on the horizon.

November 8th

We report as the late afternoon meets the early evening: much is still happening, though it is dark. It is now the time of the year when sparrows gather in trees and bushes to produce as much sound as possible. The strong wind is barely muffling any of their chattering.

Digital painting of a sunset sky: large, voluminous clouds gilded with light like illuminations.

November 9th

We report: we keep weights on our feet so we do not float up to the sky. We sometimes take them off at the end of the day - they get to be heavy. Tonight was one such moment, a long lapse of time during which our feet did not touch the ground. We know where we were then.

Digital painting of a sunset sky, some dark purple clouds, and a large brushstroke of a vibrant orange boldly cuts through the frame, occupying most of it.

November 21st

We report: late sunset, the light is finely combing through the clouds. It is freezing out, and even though we took care to bundle up, we feel it, deep in our bones. This was a windy day, but only a light breeze remains. It is enough to dry out our eyes as we walk.

Digital painting of a bright blue sky filled with torn up clouds. The light is a pale yellow, tinting the clouds shades of beige in the shadows.

November 10th

We report in the late morning, almost midday: it feels much earlier than proper time tells us it is. At this time of the season, clocks and watches make very little sense to us, as we watch the low sun make a tentative path through the sky. It still feels warm enough.

Digital painting of a starry night, half-covered in blue-grey wisps of clouds. The sky is black with blue tones, and the stars are faint.

November 12th

We report from the ink spill of after midnight: with the wind and the dark and the rainy afternoon, the chill climbs up from our toes to our ankles. We feel our cold knees scrape against our trousers as we walk. The stars are shivering up there, caught up in smoke and soot.

Digital painting of a sunrise sky, a bright, pale yellow, covered with purple-grey clouds that are all painted bright red and orange with light in certain spots.

November 13th

We report too many colours too early; our field of vision is reduced to blurry shapes of searing intensity until our brain is able to process them better. We forget about how vibrant sunrises and sunsets can be in autumn, as though to make up for shorter and dimmer days.

Digital painting of a bright blue sky where a large cloud floats, blocking the sun. There are solid sun rays emerging from behind the cloud, highlighting its edges white.

November 14th

We report: mid-November, in those few hours when the sun is high in the sky, it is akin to a supernova - a mass of light we always gravitate towards. Summer is still trailing in the back of our mind, like a spot of sunshine on the floor, yet we are already midway through autumn.

Digital painting of a grey, cloudy sky; there are intricate, but blurry shapes of dark grey, and a small bit of blue sky that seems far away.

November 15th

We report: our umbrella is lying open on the floor by the front door, spilling into indoor puddles. The kettle starts to boil as the rain picks back up; the white noise of it all is scrambling our thoughts. Our expert comes home, and leaves their own wet umbrella by ours.

Digital painting of a night sky, dark blue with even darker clouds with wispy edges. There is a different layer of clouds, a dusty purple that blends with the background. The bright, round moon is here as well.

November 16th

We report during a nighttime walk: we are discovering the moon through darkness over and over again, until the clouds finally let it appear. As the full moon was yesterday, we are looking for the one percent of shadow that should alter its shape. There is nothing to see here.

Digital painting of a cloudy sunrise sky in vibrant colours, dark purples and pinks. There is a small dark cloud surrounded by bright orange and yellow tones, and tiny, bright pink clouds spread across the frame.

November 17th

We report: there are more than a few raindrops on our hand when we hold it out. This is a drawn-out dawn, pulled back by the dense rain clouds. The colours have pushed through out of nowhere, vivid and sharp like the icy air. Our expert's red ears are also exceptionally vivid.

Digital painting of a blue sky, filled with white clouds of varying opacity, shape, and texture - although all of them quite horizontal.

November 18th

We report about our first thorough look at the sky today: it looks especially big, and the clouds look especially distant. We feel slightly ridiculous about missing their proximity - just yesterday, some cumulus were hovering just above our head. It is a little bit colder still.

Digital painting of a cloudy sky, blue and grey meeting golden tones. There is a rainbow, fading in the top half of the frame, but rather intense in the bottom half.

November 19th

We report: the rain today was relentless, stubborn enough to make appearances every hour of the day. The sun came out just before sunset, and the rain tried to wash out even the rainbow - but rainbows, rain, sunshine, unstoppable force, immovable object, and so on.

November 20th

We report at an untold time of the night: our expert talked about how it "smells like snow" while we were out yesterday. We thought that was a dubious statement. We were wrong, of course, although happily so. The layer is thin, and it has not stuck on the roads yet.

Digital painting of a blue sky touched by light, brighter and darker depending on the spots. There is a brilliant white cloud with straggly edges on the left-hand half of the frame, and a couple of grey ones in the corners.

November 22nd

We report on the cusp of changing weather, which remains our favourite kind of moment. We notice that the light is shifting; high in the sky, it is a coruscating white, casting shimmers through the atmosphere. Down here, the shadows are multiplying, and our mind goes to rain.

Digital painting of a dark cloudy sky above a wet parking lot ,bordered by trees. They appear black in the low light. The sky lightens just above the horizon. A single bird is flying far away.

November 23rd

We report: we are here in an empty parking lot, late November. It is pouring, and the wind is making all sorts of sounds that have us a little concerned. The clouds are getting caught on bare branches, and though it is early afternoon still, it seems the sun could be lost to us.

Digital painting of a lilac dusk sky, a little misty, with long, thin, blue clouds at the top of the frame. There is a stretch of tall grass at the bottom, black in the low light. A small waning crescent in the very middle of the frame.

November 24th

We report in the few loose minutes before dawn, the ones that we all pretend to count carefully as though we were able to measure that stretch of time. We are sitting in the grass with our expert as they take notes, slowly realising they were lying about how dry the ground is.

Digital painting of a sunrise sky, pale yellow. It is mostly covered in clouds: large, fuzzy blue grey, but also small, thin, pink ones.

November 25th

We report: the days have been staunchly overcast, lately - all sorts of overcast, nothing monotonous about this weather. We watch the atmospheric pressure maps with rapt attention to determine the kind of overcast we will see today. The sunrise brings a few colours to the rain.

Digital painting of a seaside landscape, bright blue sky and bright blue sea. There are voluminous white clouds in the sky, and white frothy waves on the ocean.

November 26th

We report in the afternoon of a bright day; our expert was under the impression that it would rain some more, but instead, the sky cleared. Instead of getting warmer, it got colder, the dry air biting at our cheeks. We pulled out our sunglasses after a long time.

Digital painting of the sky, covered in heavy clouds that are curling around one another, dark greys and blues. There is a yellowish light that highlights some parts, and a corner of bright blue sky.

November 27th

We report: the sky is running after itself, always more of it to come when it is all swept away, always something new to tell. Right now, there is only so much we can listen of it, but the energy behind the constant movement above us is pushing us forward with long strides.

Digital painting of a dark, starry night sky, The milky way is outlined in shadows, surrounded by dark blue and purple tones. The stars are many.

November 28th

We report with a shivering expert by our side; a car drove by just as our eyes had gotten used to darkness, full beam headlights on. We had to wait for a little longer. At first, we mistook the milky way for clouds, which is not that inaccurate. It is only a matter of distance.

Digital painting of a sunset sky, a gradient of a pale blue to yellow, with wispy pink clouds fanned out across the whole span of the frame.

November 29th

We report: the sunset is revealing clouds that were too thin to see during the day. The light is catching them from below, like a last-minute attempt to get attention on what the sky was doing today. It is working for us. We watch the clouds fade back into dusty blue.

Digital painting of a blue sky filled with cirrus, white, fibrous clouds of ice that span the whole frame.

November 30th

We report this afternoon: there is such strength in the wind that the rain from this morning has completely dried up. Rather than a continuous flow of air, we feel short, sudden squalls that seem to momentarily turn the whole world on its head. It is such a bright and sunny day.


December 2024


October 2024